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14 Steps to Reinvent Journalism at First Monday

The official version of my peer reviewed paper Constructing a Framework to Enable an Open Source Reinvention of Journalism is now posted at First Monday, one of the first peered reviewed online journals. It’s where Eric Raymond first published his paradigm changing paper The Cathedral and the Bazaar. So I am feeling pretty good about it.

Here is the abstract from my paper:

This article builds upon open source/open content literature and applications to develop a framework from which academics, citizens, critics, journalists and the media industry can collectively develop a sustainable model or models to save quality journalism — possibly by reinventing journalism as it has traditionally been defined. This article provides that framework, not so much as a theoretical construct, but rather as an annotated checklist to guide those interested in reinventing journalism.

The paper contains 14 steps that each individual or news organization should consider before making the open content leap. After reading an earlier edition of the paper, when I was talking about 15 steps, Mark Hamilton at Notes from a Teacher wrote:

If this piece doesn’t kickstart your thinking about media, nothing will.

Bryan Murley at Reinventing College Media did an online interview with me about the paper. It is a good summary.

The paper is long and a bit academic, so what I will be doing in the next few weeks is breaking out each individual step as more of a manual for reorganizing a news organization, if not totally reinventing journalism.

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