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Bill Moyers Speaks Out for Net Neutrality

As those of you have watched Moyers on America: The Net at Risk know, Bill Moyers has joined the net neutrality bandwagon. Some PBS stations have yet to air the show. To find out if it might be upcoming in your area, check here. I know it will be shown in Atlanta on Monday at 10 p.m. and I have TiVo’ed it.

Moyer’s also has an essay summarizing his feeling including this key part. He writes that in the past:

a handful of large companies would assemble monopolies over broadcasting, newspapers, cable and even the operating system of computers, and their rule would go essentially unchallenged by the U.S. government.

Now we have an Internet infrastructure that is rapidly evolving, in more ways than one. As often occurred on Rome’s ancient highways, cyber-sojourners could soon find themselves paying up in order to travel freely. Our new digital monopolists want to use their new power to reverse the way the Internet now works for us: allowing those with the largest bankrolls to route their content on fast lanes, while placing others in a congested thoroughfare. If they succeed in taking a medium that has an essential democratic nature and monetizing every aspect of it, America will divide further between the rich and poor and between those who have access to knowledge and those who do not.

If you agree with Moyers, you can take action here.

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