Memphis: A Journey from Rant to Discussion
When Geneva Overholser published her On Behalf of Journalism: A Manifesto for Change, I ranted here, using the word clueless. When the American Press Institute’s Newspaper Next report was released I made a bit of fun of that.
Now I have to actually face the folks behind both reports thanks to Bill Densmore at Media Giraffe who has put together the Journalism That Matters – The Memphis Sessions on January 11-12. It overlaps with, but is separate from, the much larger National Conference for Media Reform which will be held in Memphis from January 12-14, 2007.
Here is how the Journalism that Matters conference is defined:
Think of JTM – The Memphis Sessions as a kind of support group / think tank for changeminded editors. The idea is to gather together a couple dozen forward-thinking editors from around the country and spend a couple of days learning from each other what we need to do to build 21-century newsrooms. No hand-wringing. No whining. Just real-time plans for what we must do as editors to work faster, smarter, and without killing ourselves or our passion.