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Round-Up of Gloom, Doom, Save the News Articles

Here thanks to iA Notebook is a list of story links on the gloom, doom and salvation of the news media.

  1. Doc Searls Weblog: How to Save Newspapers
  2. Robert Scoble: Newspapers are dead…
  3. Don Dodge: Has the Internet killed newspapers, magazines, music and video?
  4. Mathew: Print may be dying, but the news is not
  5. Larry Digman: How journalism education should change
  6. Rafat Ali: IDG’s InfoWorld Magazine To Close Down; Focus on Online/Events
  7. Scott Karp: Can InfoWorld Survive The Transition From Print To Online Publishing? and Reinventing The News Business Requires A Little Imagination
  8. Dan Gillmor Save-the-Newspapers Columnist Fires Back, Misses
  9. Dave Winer Trouble At The Chronicle
  10. Ryan: Two obstacles to improving online newspapers
  11. Drumsnwhistles: Local Newspapers Are NOT Dead, But They Must Evolve
  12. Recoveringjournalist: Internet ad revenue is going up, print ad revenue is going down
  13. The San Francisco Chronicle is in financial trouble,
  14. InfoWorld stops printing
  15. Randomtech: Time Magazine redesigns its print edition and fires 50 people.
  16. The Guardian: New stars of the newsroom
  17. Asiamedia: Malaysia tells media to ignore online news sites
  18. Ryan Sholin: Two obstacles to improving online newspapers
  19. Crunchnotes: Print Media Demise, Cont.
  20. InfoWorld: InfoWorld Brand Moves Online and InfoWorld folds print mag to focus on online and events
  21. Adage: The Post Advertising Age

Pointer to iA thanks to Jeff Howe’s Crowdsourcing blog.

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One Response to “Round-Up of Gloom, Doom, Save the News Articles”

  1. Grayson Says:

    Yawn, yawn and yawn… I’ve never seen/heard so much navel-gazing in my life, other than from myself of course, or from a few deadbeats who fancied themselves “artists” back in college. I have no idea where they are now either! We’d just better all shut-up and shoot… video.
