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Scrapblog Is Back, Is Fun, Is Shareable

Scrapblog made a big splash at the We Media conference in Miami, then went into hiding. But now it is back. Everyone is going to love it. Now media companies have to figure how their audiences might get the most mileage of it. Being vain I did my own little scrapeblog of a trip. Afterward, I thought maybe I should have done it on our SoCon07 event. Still might. Fact is you can do it on anything. I love dropping in on Robin Good’s website where, in this case, Michael Pick provides quick video tutorials on how to use Scrapblog. I would advise going there first. Have fun. I did.

You can view my first effort here.

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2 Responses to “Scrapblog Is Back, Is Fun, Is Shareable”

  1. Grayson Says:

    You handsome devil you!

  2. Grayson Says:

    You must be the only man your age who’s actually handsome in one of those insect-esque bike helments. I’d ride bikes more often but the fashions stink.
