Team Watchdog: Civic Journalism in Florida
As phrases such as We Media, Citizen Journalism, Pro-Am Journalism have dominated the journalism change lexicon, you don’t see the world civic or public journalism used very often at newspapers, but here it is from Southwest Florida:
The News-Press and have launched a civic journalism project, calling upon an extensive resource in our community – retired professionals with a cache of expertise…
As our “Team Watchdog” they will help us continue to meet our commitment to provide audiences with investigative projects championing the First Amendment. Their work will be featured in The News-Press and at….
“These volunteers have a wide range of knowledge and expertise but all share excitement about venturing into journalism,” said Kate Marymont, executive editor. “Their ideas and energy are stimulating to our reporters and editors.”
“The partnership will enhance our journalism and strengthen our watchdog role,” Marymont said.
The group was formed after participants responded to a request for volunteers. More than 40 professionals responded to notices in The News-Press and