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Last Day to Register for Converge South

Sunday, October 14, 2007 is the last day to register for Converge South in Greensboro, North Carolina. I beat the deadline. Lots of cool stuff happening from the Sociable Web as Social Force panel with Jason Calacanis and Anton Zuiker , which I will be attending, to Why Most Web Videos Stink, but Yours Doesn’t Have To with Tom Lassiter, which I probably should attend.

2 Responses to “Last Day to Register for Converge South”

  1. Grayson Says:

    Just tried to email you (about great web video of course) but my email got bounced back. Hmmm… worked fine Friday.

  2. Lenslinger Says:

    Mr. Witt,

    Look forward to meeting you in Greensboro…
