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Getting Your Videos Viral

I am here at ConvergeSouth2007. I shot six videos about the future of journalism, which I will be releasing all week . Was just going to put it here next week, but now the folks from and are saying to look to all the distribution sites to get maximum exposure. Sounds obvious, but in the past I have tended to keep them here. I want people to come to my site, but I am probably limiting the full exposure of my work. Now I have to rethink that idea. Want to learn more? Watch this video I shot with Saskia Wilson-Brown of on how to make your video viral.

Earlier today I was in a session with Wilson-Brown and Brandon Gross of if you have not been there recently is doing interesting and fun stuff. One is Call Outs. You could do it at your own site. You give your subject topic and then ask people to send in clips or photos as part of your subject matter. Basically instead of just you talking, everyone gets to share prospectives and stories.

One Response to “Getting Your Videos Viral”

  1. Notes from a Teacher: Mark on Media » Learning stuff Says:

    [...] Getting Your Videos Viral. The first in what Len Witt promises will be a series of video reports, also from Converge South. [...]
