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Ruby Sinreich: We Need Journalism — and Blogs

Ruby Sinreich, a well know blogger, is founder of the progressive local politics blog in her hometown of Chapel Hill, North Carolina. She understands the limitations of mainstream journalism and thinks blogs can add to what traditional journalism lacks — but she still wants paid journalists to be around. Here are some key quotes from the video interview below: “…I hope there are always people who are able to get paid to give us quality information…journalism is going to have to evolve a little bit, develop more trust in what people say…I think there will always be some kind of journalists, but I don’t know if we’re going to have newspapers…we’re trying to fill in the personal knowledge that we have…local issues don’t always have a clear left and right…”

 For more ConvergeSouth 2007 videos by Leonard Witt on the future of journalism , see:

1. Jason Calacanis Cold to Local Newspapers as Business

2. Buck the Trend; Start a Newspaper Now

3. Want Science News? Start Your Own Publication 

4. Will Bunch Sees Different, Bright Journalism Future

One Response to “Ruby Sinreich: We Need Journalism — and Blogs”

  1. lotusmedia 2.0 » Interview with Says:

    [...] me squint into the sun and say “um” 20 times a minute in this short interview with Leonard Witt of the Public Journalism Network about blogs and journalism. Short version: the future of journalism = trust. If people can’t trust you, they won’t [...]
