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Hillary Wins in NH: A Bad Day for Pollsters, Pundits

Even on PBS’s News Hour at 6 p.m. the pundits were all but writing Hillary Clinton’s political obituary. They were dead wrong. This was not a good day for mainstream media and their legions of pundits, who really don’t have a clue what the everyday people are thinking. Which might not only mean citizen votes for Hillary Clinton, but also a vote for a yet unknown form of citizen journalism where we learn from the bottom up as well as from the top down.  

Update at 12:08 a.m.: The bigger story that pundits have yet to report. With just 90 percent of the New Hampshire votes counted this year, all Democrats pulled in about 257,000 votes, while all the Republicans only pulled in about 215,000. Compare that with 2000 when Republican candidates totalled 238,000 votes and the Democrats just 154,000 votes. This could be a very good year for Democrats.

One Response to “Hillary Wins in NH: A Bad Day for Pollsters, Pundits”

  1. Notes from a Teacher: Mark on Media » Tuesday squibs Says:

    [...] Hillary Wins in NH: A Bad Day for Pollsters, Pundits. Len Witt: “This was not a good day for mainstream media and their legions of pundits, who really don’t have a clue what the everyday people are thinking.” Of course, the media will learn from this. Right? Please? [...]
