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Pew: Video-Sharing Traffic Doubles in Year

Here is good news for YouTube, Pew Internet & American Life Project reports:  

 48% of internet users have been to video-sharing sites such as YouTube and the daily traffic to such sites on a typical day has doubled in the past year. The basic findings in a national phone survey that ended in December show:

  • 48% of internet users said they had ever visited a video-sharing site such as YouTube. A year ago, in December 2006, 33% of internet users said they had ever visited such sites. That represents growth of more than 45% year-to-year.
  • 15% of respondents said they had used a video-sharing site “yesterday” — the day before they were contacted for our survey. A year ago, 8% had visited such a site “yesterday.” Thus, on an average day, the number of users of video sites nearly doubled from the end of 2006 to the end of 2007.

A little aside, a couple of days I got, what I suppose what was a random call from a Pew Internet & American Life Project surveyer. She asked lots of questions about my computer and face-to-face relations. So watch for that survey in a couple of months, a real scoop.

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