Playing off my written post about the coverage of the Bill Clinton rally for Hillary at Kennesaw State University on Friday, Feb. 1, 2008, I decided to put together a little video. Question: How can big media connect better with fragmented audiences via social media? Can they? Should they? Do they want to?
As you might know, the Harnisch Foundation under the direction of Ruth Ann Harnisch gave us a substantial gift to start the Center for for Sustainable Journalism at Kennesaw State University. We are up and running. Keep abreast of what is happening at
Leonard Witt is the Robert D. Fowler Distinguished Chair in Communication at Kennesaw State University and the chief blogger of PJNet. His academic interests include public and citizen journalism and how to get citizens' voices heard. He has spent most of his professional career as an award-winning journalist.
The Public Journalism Network is a virtual global network of journalists, educators and lay people interested in exploring and strengthening the relationship between journalism and democracy. It has evolved from a public journalism site to an informational clearinghouse for both public and citizen journalism.