Can journalism live without ads? We Will Test It
Here is the first paragraph of commentary in the Miami Herald yesterday by Edward Wasserman, Knight professor of journalism ethics at Washington and Lee University, with the headline: Can journalism live without ads?
Beneath the somber tales of shrinking revenues and staff cuts is an even more somber reality about the news business: The nearly two-century-old marriage between consumer advertising and journalism is on the rocks.
I don’t want to scoop myself, but watch these pages over the next few days. I have been saying the above for a while and have been touting Representative Journalism. Now it is time to stop the talk and walk the walk. More soon.
February 19th, 2008 at 11:02 pm
[...] journalism live without ads? Posted on February 19, 2008 by tomaltman Caught an interesting post at PJNet: Beneath the somber tales of shrinking revenues and staff cuts is an even more somber reality about [...]
February 20th, 2008 at 2:18 am
I read that same article – and instantly thought of “representative journalism.”
I’m eagerly awaiting your news. I hope to join you in the “do-er” category soon too. I don’t like just being a “talker.”
See you in Atlanta and Miami soon.
February 27th, 2008 at 4:20 pm
Yes. But not in a way that will pay anyone’s salary.