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Will Community Foundations Fund Local Journalism?

In this video Eric Newton, Vice President for the Journalism Program at the Knight Foundation, says only 25 percent of community foundations fund journalism, but then tells why he thinks that number is about to grow.

If you want community foundation funding for local journalism projects, Newton says do your homework. Look at this Knight Foundation site and look specifically at the survey Knight did with community foundations. Then go pay your foundation a visit.


2 Responses to “Will Community Foundations Fund Local Journalism?”

  1. Brad King Says:

    I’ve been working with two different community-driven, web-based start ups looking to engage citizens and reporters in journalism.

    Until I started working with them, I hadn’t come across anyone working with foundations to support journalism in this way — but it does seem to make sense. And the Knight Foundation (which has an office at Berkeley, where I received my Masters in Journalism — as a way to self-disclose) appears to be way out in front of the rest.

  2. Will Foundations Support Journalism? « Spot Us - The Blog Says:

    [...] to Lenn Witt, one of advisors, for the [...]
