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Pew: Only 19% of USA internet users download podcasts

The number of folks in the USA who download podcasts is growning, but it is still a relatively small number of Internet users, according to a survey by the Pew Internet & American Life Project. Here is a quick overview:

Currently, 19% of all internet users say they have downloaded a podcast so they could listen to it or view it later. This most recent percentage is up from 12% of internet users who reported downloading podcasts in our August 2006 survey and 7% in our February-April 2006 survey.

Still, podcasting has yet to become a fixture in the everyday lives of internet users, as very few internet users download podcasts on a typical day. Even of those who say they download podcasts, just 17% do so on a typical day.

The full report can be found here.


3 Responses to “Pew: Only 19% of USA internet users download podcasts”

  1. Manuel Says:

    If you mean 19% Internet users in the United States you should say so. Your blog is also read abroad.



  2. Leonard Witt Says:

    Thanks, Manuel.

    I should, and do, know better. I’ll fix it.

  3. Cool Links #9: Neatorama « TEACH J: For Teachers of Journalism And Media Says:

    [...] 3.  This is sad.  Only 19 percent of US Internet users download podcasts. [...]
