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YouTube, PBS Ask Americans to ‘Video Your Vote’

Here is old-fashioned public journalism and high-tech citizen journalism taken from this YouTube press release:

Starting today, registered United States voters can share their voting experiences via the Video Your Vote YouTube Channel. Some of the best videos will be showcased on PBS television, as part of The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer’s Election Day broadcast.

I love this sentence fragment: “In the first presidential election since YouTube’s inception…” Can you believe that YouTube has been around less than four years? Any how, the press release continues:

In the first presidential election since YouTube’s inception, this program aims to gather massive amounts of polling place video, with the Channel serving as an online library for Election Day footage.

Go here to learn more about the project and the legalities of shooting video at polling places in your state. Here is a Judy Woodruff video:

One Response to “YouTube, PBS Ask Americans to ‘Video Your Vote’”

  1. andrea Says:

    Learn more about how voters are making their decisions. Visit
