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Harnisch Foundation Gives Kennesaw State $250,000 for Journalism Concept

I am very pleased to announce that this morning the Harnisch Foundation provided a $250,000 gift to Kennesaw State University to help advance my Representative Journalism concept.

Bill and Ruth Ann Harnisch awarded the check in New York this morning. The university will be putting out a formal press release, but I don’t want to get scooped. So you will read it here first, unless you follow Ruth Ann on Twitter, she sent a Tweet as the check was giving granted.

The Harnisch Foundation has supported the Representative Journalism concept from the very beginning. In fact, without Ruth Ann Harnisch’s inspirational, intellectual and financial support, Representative Journalism would probably just be an idea rather than a concept that is now being tested at Locally Grown in Northfield, Minnesota.

The funding will open the possibility of seeding more Representative Journalism projects, and I have always said this concept will work best when there are dozens of Rep Js across the country. In fact, I am in the beginning stages of a trial project with a public broadcasting station, but more about that later. First a gigantic thank you to Bill and Ruth Ann Harnisch for their visionary support for the future of journalism.

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