SoCon09: Southeast’s Top Social Media Conference Feb. 6-7
Registration is now open for SoCon09, the third annual social media, social networking conference hosted at Kennesaw State University. The Big Eating, Big Thinking, Big Networking dinner is on Friday, February 6, 2009 at Magianno’s at Cumberland Mall and the full day conference is Saturday, February 7 at Kennesaw State University.
Here is more from the website:
Just as with SoCon07 and SoCon08, this year’s SoCon09 is built on the premise that collectively we know more than we do individually. ¶ In the first two years, we introduced social media, user-generated content, blogs, podcasts, video logs, social networking, wikis… but nothing stands still. Find out what you have to know in 2009 to stay ahead of the learning curve. ¶ Find out who is doing great stuff; who has great, innovative ideas. ¶ Network and learn — and maybe even partner with independent content producers, new media pros, academics and people from across the spectrum of marketing, public relations, legal, human resources, and executive ranks.
We will stop Friday night registrations when we reach 155 and Saturday at 300, which were the numbers of attendees we had last year. Don’t get shut out. It is a semi-unconference, so you will help to pick the themes for the Friday night dinner table conversations and the Saturday breakout sessions.
To seed the discussions we will seek the Southeast’s social media and social networking niche (s) and will see how marketing has changed in the world of GPS meets eBay meets you and your professional and personal life. If you are interested in social media and online social networking, SoCon09 is the Southeast’s premiere place to learn, share and network. Don’t miss it. Register now. See you there.