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Rosen Starts Religion, Press Site

I have been a bit negligent about keeping up with the PressThink columns written by Jay Rosen, chair of the New York University journalism department. I should not have been, he is saying and doing too much important stuff:

Here, in his words, is his latest venue: A new journal has its official launch on the World Wide Web. It is called The Revealer, a daily review of religion and the press. I am the publisher and founder, with Jeff Sharlet, the editor.

In that post Rosen discusses journalism as a religion, adding: We’re headed, I think, for schism, tumult and divide as the religion of the American press meets the upheavals in global politics and public media that are well underway. (It is in part 7 of the post.)

In an earlier post Rosen wrote about the president election horserace and insider politics.

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