Bill Kling to Retire from Minnesota Public Radio
I worked for Minnesota Public Radio (MPR) first as editor of its for-profit Minnesota Monthly magazine from 1990-96 and then for MPR proper as the executive director of its Civic Journalism Initiative from 1996-2002.
Of course, during all that time, and really during his MPR tenure from 1966 to now, Bill Kling was ultimately in charge. No matter who your immediate boss was, it was clear that really Bill Kling was your boss. His 44-year tenure is really quite amazing. He built a public radio empire that eventually covered all of Minnesota and now has strongholds in Southern California at KPCC and across the nation with programming like Marketplace.
As says he is one of the founding fathers of public radio.
If you wanted to know where the best of public radio was heading, you would have been wise to follow his lead. Learn more about him here and listen to the interview with him done today at MPR and read the archived liveblog here.