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Publishers small and large learn how not to get sued — New video

Our first 60-minute video from our Media Law in the Digital Age workshop is now up at our Center for Sustainable Journalism.

Big publishers and little backyard publishers like me are all at risk of getting sued in this new disruptive digital age. So to help you make better informed choices our Center for Sustainable Journalism and Harvard Law School’s Berkman Center for Internet & Society co-produced the Media Law in the Digital Age workshop. Now we have started to release the 10 videos. See the first here, which as the first starts with introductions, but after that it gets into important legal issues.

2 Responses to “Publishers small and large learn how not to get sued — New video”

  1. Jeb Says:

    Thank you for the very pertinent information. This digital road is full of potholes for small publishers like me to fall into.

  2. links for 2010-12-08 « Innovation in College Media Says:

    [...] PJNet – Blog – Publishers small and large learn how not to get sued — New video "Our first 60-minute video from our Media Law in the Digital Age workshop is now up at our Center for Sustainable Journalism." (tags: legal onlinejournalism) [...]
