Will the Internet Bring Us a Radio TiVo Equivalent?
Anyone who has kept abreast of radio news programming knows that except for public radio it has mostly disappeared. Even public radio news in places like Altanta is sandwiched between music programming. Satellite Radio, which is on the horizon, could fix all of that, but maybe the Internet will help too.
I had coffee the other day with Jim Flowers, special assistant to the CIO, Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia, and he spoke of those radio/Internet changes. Then he blogged them including the reference above at Jim Flowers’ Radio Weblog.
Since he has to keep abreast of all things educational and technological he gets up very early every morning and scans the state’s and nation’s papers for education, technology, access and other stories that he and the people running the state’s higher ed system should know about. Then he lists all the items at his site in a fast paced easy to use index. His site is worth repeated visits.