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We Media at Aug. 3 Toronto Conference

I had dinner last night with Shayne Bowman, who helped write the white paper Amazoning the News and co-authored We Media with Chris Willis .

Bowman is smart, enthusiastic, and filled with ideas and energy. He also is interested in helping put together a part of the Public Journalism Network’s conference on Aug. 3 in Toronto. Plus he has agreed to do an IM interview, probably with Willis, here at the PJNet.

All this is good news because Bowman knows the media business. Has worked for newspapers like the Detroit News and the Dallas Morning News, helped launch a city magazine in Detroit, is a designer who can write, and understands the social value, business possibilities and technology behind interactivity. And is now working for Bell South, so is seeing the interactivity from yet another perspective.

He was feverishly sketching ideas on a napkin last night and will now try to develop an interactive presentation for the Aug. 3 conference where we will look at the relationships of new tools, newsroom resources, and audience. Then using those three elements conference participants will produce new ideas for newsrooms. We want people at various size papers and broadcast organizations to walk away with ideas they can put to use quickly.

Mark your calendars, and consider joining the PJNet now. We need your support to make great things happen.

And stay tuned for the Bowman, Willis IM interview.

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