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Has Been to Korea and Has Seen Hi-Tech Future

Clyde Bentley at the University of Missouri’s My Missourian visited Korea and OhMyNews and writes about what he saw. He writes in part:

The common wisdom among many Internet hands is that a glance at Korea will give one a good idea of what technology will look like in the United States in three to five years.

I took more than a passing glance today. If what I saw is in store for use soon, prepare for technology that is both bigger and smaller, simpler and more complex, outlandishly wild and fiendishly simple …

Be prepared for the big “U.” Korea is the evangelist of the coming “ubiquitous technology.”

After listing what he saw, Bentley adds:

None of this is new, of course. I read about ubiquitous technology decades ago in the novels of Ray Bradbury, Isaac Asminov and Robert Heinlein. But back then, I was accused of being a little geek who was wasting his time on science fiction.

Turns out I was just studying in advance.

Editor’s Note: I have been in Ecuador preparing for lectures here on public journalism and doing some sightseeing, so my blogs have been thin and will probably remain that way for a couple more weeks.

Don’t forget about the Restoring the Trust Wake Up Call conference on Aug. 9 in San Antonio; great panelists, great and growing list of attendees can be seen here.

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