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French Love Blogs, Citizen Journalism Grows There

Guillaume Champeau, UK executive for AgoraVox, a French blog, says in interview last week:

…as of June 2005 there were about 6 million blogs in Europe, with 3 million of them being French! The highest blogging population behind France was the Polish (1,300,000), and there were only 900,000 British bloggers at that time.

As you certainly know writing is very important in France, and the French have a long tradition of debating and expressing themselves. When blogs appeared on the web, it became a huge social phenomenon with mainstream media, including major newspapers such as Le Monde or Liberation, covering blogs in their papers.

Papers tell the story, and bloggers discuss it. Blogs and papers perfectly complement each other.

He adds:

We are very proud that AgoraVox already has 1,000 registered citizen writers, including some very influential bloggers.

As a result last week AgoraVox was chosen by Yahoo! as one of its primary news sources.

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