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Jay Rosen Starts His New Blue Plate Special Blog

Jay Rosen has started his new Blue Plate Special blog. The first blue plate focuses on the best blogging newspapers of the top 100 in circulaton, which leaves out the likes of smaller paper from the Spokane Spokesman-Review to the SpartenEdge, which I wrote about yesterday. He tells why and how they made their picks. First place goes to the Houston Chronicle.

Here is what the Blue Plate Special is About:

Each Blue Plate Special is a package of articles, features and blog posts on a single theme. Special No. 1 is about newspaper blogging: state of the art. It features a rolling launch, with new content introduced over a period of 7-10 days. See this PressThink post for more explanation.

The Blue Plate Special editorial team is drawn from the students enrolled in Prof. Jay Rosen’s blogging 101 class, plus two graduate students working with him. Other contributors are drawn from around the Web.

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