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Local TV Encouraged to Embrace Citizen Media

This from a larger Advertising Age story:

Local TV stations are missing a revolutionary opportunity by not buying into the consumer-created video-content craze, media analyst Tom Wolzien told last week’s Television Bureau of Advertising conference.

Media analyst Tom Wolzien emphasized that video-camera-equipped consumers are potentially major content providers for local broadcasters who understand how to use them…

He also asked, “Can consumer-created content posted by amateurs actually remain consumer-created content posted by amateurs? Or, if people start to realize that somebody’s making money off of this, will the amateurs suddenly become people formerly known as amateurs?”

“It’s surprising to me that so far nobody has built a system where they go into the middle schools and high schools to give cameras and cut deals to get the content out,” he said. “They go to church groups and other types of civic organizations to build an infrastructure for video collection on a formalized basis.”

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