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Archive for the ‘BiggerBrain’ Category

$20 Million in Venture Capital Goes to Citizen Journalism

Thursday, August 2nd, 2007

This from Wired’s blog:
…citizen journalism is red hot with Associated Content landing $10 million in financing today from Canaan Partners, and NowPublic pulling in $10.6 million in financing from Rho Ventures on Monday (this time last year, OhMyNews landed $11 million from SoftBank).

Technorati : citizenjournalism : citizen journalism

10 New Citizen Media Ideas Are Funded

Wednesday, April 4th, 2007

The J-Lab announces its 2007 New Voices citizen media grant recipients. According to the J-Lab press release, of the 105 proposals received, ten won grants. The grant winners each will receive $12,000 to start up their projects. They will be eligible for $5,000 follow-up grants next year if they successfully launch and supply matching funding. [...]

Tags for Rosen Video

Sunday, November 19th, 2006

Tags for Rosen video

Technorati : Rosen, gift economy, : Rosen, gift economy,
Ice Rocket : Rosen, gift economy,
Flickr : Rosen, gift economy,
Zooomr : Rosen, gift economy,
Buzznet : Rosen, gift economy,

Catching Doctored Photos

Monday, September 11th, 2006

This from a story focusing on Dartmouth Professor Hany Farid:
The Dartmouth Image Science Group is…releasing a series of tools that will enable law enforcement officials, scientists and media outlets to detect photo fraud more easily…
The story adds that:
His work with video and audio files, so far, is fairly preliminary…

We the Media – NYC

Tuesday, October 11th, 2005

We Media – Witt in NYC

