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Archive for the ‘Citizen journalism’ Category

CNN iReport Takes Hit Over ‘Fraudulent’ Steve Jobs Post

Friday, October 3rd, 2008

CNN’s iReport took a hit today over an early morning post claiming Steve Jobs of Apple had a massive heart attack. Apparently the story which was up for about three hours at this citizen journalism site, negatively affected Apple stocks.
Here is the CNN response to the story: is an entirely user-generated site where the content [...]

British Paper Seeks 1,000 Citizen Journalists

Thursday, September 25th, 2008

This from
Trinity Mirror’s Teesside Evening Gazette is aiming to increase the number of contributors to its hyperlocal network of news websites to 1,000 over the next 12 months.
The citizen journalists will be recruited from some 22 postal codes in the paper’s circulation area. The story adds:
While the 22 sites currently have around 400 registered [...]

Jay Rosen on Difference Between Citizen and Public Journalism

Tuesday, September 23rd, 2008

In the Jay Rosen video on the ethics of blogging I posted yesterday, Rosen at about 26-minute mark of that video explains the difference between public journalism and citizen journalism.
If you just keep clicking on the video advance button on the video, it will take to that 26-minute place.

Jay Rosen on the Ethics of Blogging

Tuesday, September 23rd, 2008

Jay Rosen recently gave a speech entitled: If Blogging Had No Ethics, Blogging Would Have Failed
(But It Didn’t. So Let’s Get a Clue).
You can see the video here and his notes and other comments here at PressThink.

They Blog for Journalism Change — and It Pays Off

Thursday, September 11th, 2008

So you want to blog, great. Now learn how it can pay off even without a massive audience.  How do I know? Because the, which blogs about the niche citizen and public journalism movements is a great example. Listen to me Leonard Witt, Mindy McAdams, Jeff Jarvis and Jay Rosen (alas the tape ran [...]
