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Archive for the ‘Citizen journalism’ Category

Public Journalism Goes 2.0 at Age 20

Wednesday, September 10th, 2008

A distinguished panel explains what’s up with civic or public journalism on its 20th Birthday in the 2.0 age of citizen journalism. The panel, which was held recently in Chicago at Columbia College, includes: Jack Rosenberry, Ed Lambeth, Mark Deuze, Burton St. John, and Jay Rosen. Watch the approximately 42-minute video below.

YouTube to Provide $10,000 Citizen Journalism Prize

Monday, September 8th, 2008

This just in from a YouTube press release :
SAN BRUNO, CA–(September 8, 2008) – YouTube™, the leading online video community that
allows people to discover, watch and share originally created videos, announced the launch of Project: Report in partnership with the Pulitzer [...]

Journalists Being Arrested in St. Paul RNC Convention

Tuesday, September 2nd, 2008

“Democracy Now! radio host Amy Goodman and two producers were arrested while covering demonstrations at the Republican convention in St. Paul, Minn.” That’s from the Washington Post.
Goodman is certainly a journalist in the same way the big network anchors are. For people from the progressive left, handcuffing and arresting Goodman has the same impact [...]

Help Me With My Citizen Media Learning Community

Monday, September 1st, 2008

I am putting together a little proposal at Kennesaw State University for a faculty learning community built around Citizen Media. We might want to offer a minor for any student on the campus, but want to first do some research and thinking before we just jump into it.
So I am wondering, if you were leading [...]

It’s an Explosion and a YouTube Moment

Saturday, August 16th, 2008

When I worked at the Allentown Morning Call more than 20 years ago,  there was a twisted, melted photographer’s camera from the 1940s or 1950s tucked away on a top shelf in the bowels of the photography department.  
 It was part of a mini-monument with a memorial plaque to a long forgotten photographer, who I believe was a [...]
