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Archive for the ‘Citizen Media’ Category

Project 365 Revisited — Take a photo a day, every day

Friday, November 21st, 2008

Today I got what I thought was a spam comment on a post I wrote entitled Take a Photo a Day, Join Project 365, but alas it was from a stranger Stephen Chapman who had indeed taken a photo a day for year. That’s his goose photo.
It reminded me that maybe, just maybe, I want [...]

How Blogosphere Is Influencing the Presidential Election

Tuesday, November 4th, 2008

I will be on an election Postmortem panel at Kennesaw State University on Thursday and my topic will be the blogosphere and the election. Here are some bullet points I am assembling for the talk, got any others? Let me know:

First point to remember. Blogs are simply a blank piece of paper. They can be [...]

Georgians Speak Out from Inside Two-Hour Voting Line

Friday, October 31st, 2008

So I went to vote early on Thursday and decided to Video Your Vote from inside a two, really two and one-half hour line to cast my presidential election vote. I live in Cobb County, Georgia.
So were people miffed about the long line? I thought they would be, but you listen to what this [...]

YouTube, PBS Ask Americans to ‘Video Your Vote’

Friday, October 24th, 2008

Here is old-fashioned public journalism and high-tech citizen journalism taken from this YouTube press release:
Starting today, registered United States voters can share their voting experiences via the Video Your Vote YouTube Channel. Some of the best videos will be showcased on PBS television, as part of The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer’s Election Day broadcast.
I love [...]

Using BlogTalkRadio as a Teaching Tool

Thursday, October 9th, 2008

Jessica McBride from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, is doing a presentation on Using “blog talk radio” in the classroom at the Convergence and Society:The Participatory Web conference at the University of South Carolina.
BlogTalkRadio has been around for a couple of years. One of my students actually became quite good at running his own show and [...]
