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Archive for the ‘Clark Hoyt’ Category

Horse Race Presidential Campaign Coverage Alive and Well

Sunday, October 12th, 2008

The New York Times Public Editor Clark Hoyt uses a standard public journalism critique of The New York Times and the news media as a whole when he writes about the 2008 presidential election coverage’s horse race mentality. He writes in his column:
Through Friday, of 270 news articles published in The Times about the election [...]

Want to be in NYTimes? Call for a Public Hanging

Monday, January 14th, 2008

I find myself often getting a little miffed at Clark Hoyt’s Public Editor column for the New York Times. I am again. On Sunday he runs a column that says that of 700 people who wrote to him about the the choice of William Kristol as a columnist only one thought it a good choice. One [...]

NYTimes Statistic, Can It Be True?

Sunday, December 9th, 2007

In New York Times Public Editor Clark Hoyt’s piece today, If It’s Fit to Blog, Is It Fit to Print?,  there is a statistic that I found quite amazing. He writes:
Editors may be tempted to think that if the newspaper’s Web site has a story, the newspaper has covered it, but more than 80 percent of readers [...]
