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Archive for the ‘CNN’ Category

MediaWeek: CNN to Take on YouTube

Tuesday, February 12th, 2008

This from today’s MediaWeek:
Time Warner’s CNN this week will enter YouTube territory with the launch of, a new Web site built entirely on user-produced news. And unlike CNN’s own properties—where only iReport submissions that have been handpicked by editors and checked for accuracy ever make it online or on air—the new site will be [...]

CNN to Teach Journalism in Second Life

Tuesday, October 30th, 2007

This from MediaWeek:
As news organizations slash budgets and scale back bureaus, CNN is expanding—except not in real life.
In the week of Nov. 5, the news giant is set to open a news-gathering outpost in Second Life. And unlike news service Reuters, which embedded a real reporter in the online virtual world last year, CNN will [...]
