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Archive for the ‘Cole Campbell’ Category

Public’s New Digital Thumbs Gouge ABC News Debate

Friday, April 18th, 2008

The Public Journalism or Civic Journalism movement started 20 years ago and grew out of repulsion to the sleaze and trivia of that 1988 Presidential election. Back then it was a few lone voices like Jay Rosen, Buzz Merritt and Cole Campbell who tried to wake up the news media folks about their errant ways.
If [...]

Jay Harris Gives First Cole Campbell Democarcy Talk

Friday, September 21st, 2007

This from the Reynolds School of Journalism at the University of Nevada, Reno: is the place where you can find information about the passions and beliefs held dear by Cole C. Campbell concerning the role of journalism and journalists in our democracy.
To honor and further Cole’s ideas, we have established the Cole C. Campbell Dialogue on [...]
