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Archive for the ‘David Cohn’ Category

ProPublica Is Great, But Let’s Advocate for Much More

Thursday, June 26th, 2008

In a PBS NewsHour report focused on nonprofit funding of the news, especially ProPublica for investigative reporting,  Alex Jones, director of the Joan Shorenstein Center on the Press, Politics and Public Policy at Harvard University, says:
I’ve been watching ProPublica. I think ProPublica is a great development in this area. But I am saddened by something [...]

Knight News Challenge Winners Announced

Friday, May 16th, 2008

David Cohn was one of the Knight Challenge winners for 2008, and the via Representative Journalism has been talking to Cohn about possibly setting up a funding mechanism for Rep J reporters in the future. Here is more about Cohn and all the other winners. Congratulations David and all others.

NAA White Paper Gives Overview of Citizen Journalism

Tuesday, April 8th, 2008

Mark Toner writes an interesting  white paper for the Newspaper Association of America entitled: Citizen Journalism and Newspaper Sites: The Revolution will be Uploaded. It is a fine overview of what is happening, and includes topics like Beatblogging, Citizen Witnesses, Social Media, Crowdsourcing, Teamsourcing and our own Representative Journalism.
Here are a few excerpts:
Steve Yelvington, strategist for Morris DigitalWorks, talking of citizen [...]

Meet Representative Journalism’s Advisory Board

Wednesday, April 2nd, 2008

Now that we have our Northfield, Minnesota Community Reporting Fellowship posted at, I am sure more people will be interested in knowing more about us. There are really three five parts to us now. The three of us who are overseeing the daily workings of the trial, our national advisory board, andour funding partner, our researcher and the [...]

Next Frivilous Thing Might Improve Journalism

Wednesday, January 30th, 2008

Okay, we all know all the bad raps that Blogs got, and then, like it or not, they changed the way journalism is practiced. At first I thought it a waste of time, then I got blogging and it changed everything.
Then along came Twitter. Up until this week, I am thinking what a dumb idea. [...]
