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Archive for the ‘Hyperlocal’ Category

The Panacea: Citizen and Pro Journalists as Robots

Tuesday, January 29th, 2008

When I read Rodney Brooks’ book Flesh and Machines: How Robots Will Change Us, I was struck by one insight. He wrote that Japan has an aging population, it will need help from Third-World immigrants. However, it does not want a flood of immigrants. So, Brooks says that they are trying to develop robot like [...]

Crunch! What Are a Citizen Journalist’s Rights

Wednesday, January 9th, 2008

So I see a car crash. I park the car, get out my camera and start shooting still photos and some video. Soon a Georgia State Police officer starts asking me questions like my name and address. At first I refuse, saying it is a public space. He gets a little more intimidating and maybe [...]

Harvard Paper Provides Citizen Journalism Insights

Saturday, January 5th, 2008

Michael Maier, founder and CEO of Blogform Publishing, provides insight into the possiblities of citizen journalism’s future in a discussion paper entitled Journalism without Journalists: Vision or Caricature? He wrote it for the Joan Shorenstein Center on the Press, Politics and Public Policy at Harvard University.
Here are highligths, starting with Maier writing about one of his own [...]

Seeking truth via citizen and embedded journalism

Saturday, January 5th, 2008

When I talk to my students about the truth and journalism, I always ask them about whose truth. I use embedded journalism in war zones as an example of journalism skewed by the journalists’ limited point of view. It is one thing to be inside a tank and writing about the war and another to be on the receiving end of the [...]

Steve Outing: Learning from Failure

Tuesday, November 27th, 2007

Editor & Publisher columnist Steve Outing, who recently closed down his own start-up the Enthusiast Group, explains what went wrong and why. He writes in part:
I feel like I have learned — the hard way — some truths about grassroots content and online community.
One lesson:
building a business on a core of user-submitted content is tough….In [...]
