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Archive for the ‘Journalism Ethics’ Category

Video: Northfield Representative Journalist’s Q & A

Thursday, December 11th, 2008

In the video below Bonnie Obremski talks about her role as resident Representative Journalist at the Locally Grown blog in Northfield, Minnesota. Bill Densmore, who has been an advisor to the Rep J project, also answers some of the questions asked at the recent Information Valet summit at the University of Missouri.
Mizzou “Lunchstorm” discussion [...]

WGBH Does Story, Analysis on, Rep J Models

Monday, November 24th, 2008

The Representative Journalism and crowdfunding models got the talking-head treatment at WGBH in Boston. It is interesting to be on the receiving end of one of these of discussions. In the end, I would say it was fair and balanced even though the moderator, who worried about the biases in crowdfunding, showed her [...]

How Blogosphere Is Influencing the Presidential Election

Tuesday, November 4th, 2008

I will be on an election Postmortem panel at Kennesaw State University on Thursday and my topic will be the blogosphere and the election. Here are some bullet points I am assembling for the talk, got any others? Let me know:

First point to remember. Blogs are simply a blank piece of paper. They can be [...]

Overholser: Does Journalism Lack a Social Mission?

Friday, October 24th, 2008

In a short essay at the Online Journalism Review Geneva Overholser asks: Did journalism’s business model distort journalism’s social mission?
She bases her question on a lecture by Adlai Wertman, a professor at USC’s Marshall School of Business. Overholser writes:
Confronted with the nation’s inability to resolve the many ills confronting it, Wertman told the Journalism School: [...]

Horse Race Presidential Campaign Coverage Alive and Well

Sunday, October 12th, 2008

The New York Times Public Editor Clark Hoyt uses a standard public journalism critique of The New York Times and the news media as a whole when he writes about the 2008 presidential election coverage’s horse race mentality. He writes in his column:
Through Friday, of 270 news articles published in The Times about the election [...]
