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Archive for the ‘JTM’ Category

After Post-Print Era of Online News, Then What?

Wednesday, December 24th, 2008

There is a bit of a dust-up at Jeff Jarvis’s Buzzmachine about GateHouse suing over its linking to GateHouse stories. Of course, this is a suit worth watching and discussing because if GateHouse wins, it would have major ramifications across the web.
Most of what is  being written at the Buzzmachine post is that the [...]

Audio Panel: What citizens want from citizen media

Saturday, July 12th, 2008

After the Journalism that Matters wrapped up its New Pamphleteers/New Reporters sessions on Friday, June 6, 2008, a select group of the participants went to Minnesota Public Radio studios to record a discussion entitled: “What do citizens want from citizen media.” You can hear it here.
Also earlier in the day, MPR loaned Journalism That [...]

Hear What Motivates Do-It-Yourself, Local Media Producers

Thursday, June 12th, 2008

Interested in making your own media and becoming what is now called a placeblogger? Listen as 12 folks, including me, provide first-hand information.
Here is what host Bill Densmore of the Media Giraffe Project writes:
What motivates people to launch a local online news community — a “placeblog” and what are their challenges, their successes, the [...]

Where Bill Moyers’ Inspiration and Reality Meet

Monday, June 9th, 2008

I just yesterday returned from the Media Reform conference in Minneapolis where Bill Moyers’ made, as usual a deeply inspirational speech, telling how it is all of our tasks to rekindle the dream on which the USA was built and the need for journalism to keep us well informed.
Then on Monday, the New York Times  reported [...]

Livestream: Changing Roles in Emerging News Ecology

Wednesday, June 4th, 2008

Joel Kramer is talking live at the Journalism that Matters discussion with Mike Tippet and Michelle Ferrier.  He says if his MinnPost project is a example for funding journalism enterprises then it is a “grim business model.”  The future is not real positive if we want a newsroom populated with professionals.
Update: June 5, 2008: I [...]
