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Archive for the ‘Media’ Category

KQED’s Forum – The Future of Newspapers

Sunday, January 27th, 2008

Below is a 51-minute podcast, The Future of Newspapers, from KQED radio in San Francisco,  the promo reads:
Los Angeles Times editor Jim O’Shea announced his departure this week, saying he was fired for refusing to cut newsroom jobs. A few days later, San Francisco Chronicle editor Phil Bronstein said he would be stepping down. We look at [...]

Rosen: Dump the “Who Is Going to Win?” Question

Monday, January 21st, 2008

Jay Rosen has an excellent piece  about the media’s presidential primary horse-race mentality. However, he reminds us that collectively the media is not human and has no mentality at all. It has no mind thus is not easy to change.
That’s excellent point number one, excellent point number two for me is that the media’s so called experts are not [...]

Mother Jones Citizen Journalism Critique Flawed

Saturday, January 19th, 2008

Adam Weinstein, in the January/February 2008 Issue of Mother Jones, writes about the dangers of citizen journalism  with his central warning being that “…newspapers may be taken in by crackpots and sly marketers…”
However, if you are one of the many serious thinkers who believe citizen journalism has merit,  you would be left with the impression that Weinstein himself is [...]

Confessions, Already, of an MTV Citizen Journalist

Thursday, January 17th, 2008

Shelby Highsmith is Georgia’s MTV citizen journalist. He provides a little tell-all of what his training was like, and, hey, look what they provided for his backpack journalism:
There’s the Canon SD1000 for stills (the same model I already carry everywhere); a nice Panasonic 3-chip camcorder (consumer, not pro-sumer…we need to remain portable, you know); shotgun [...]

Crunch! What Are a Citizen Journalist’s Rights

Wednesday, January 9th, 2008

So I see a car crash. I park the car, get out my camera and start shooting still photos and some video. Soon a Georgia State Police officer starts asking me questions like my name and address. At first I refuse, saying it is a public space. He gets a little more intimidating and maybe [...]
