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Archive for the ‘NetJ’ Category

Who Got It Right? On The Media or Witt & Rosen

Saturday, October 13th, 2007

Today NPR’s On the Media aired its report on citizen journalism and crowdsourcing via Jeff Jarvis’s Networked Journalism Summit, which I attended early this week. They got it mostly right, but reporter Bob Garfield got Jay Rosen in a Gotcha moment. Garfield’s reporting basically makes’s Assignment Zero sound like a complete a bust, a failure. Of [...]

Read Networked Journalism Summit Bloggers

Wednesday, October 10th, 2007

What to see an aggregate of what is being said at the Network Journalism Summit, go here. The slug is NetJ at Technorati. 
Here is are some of the issues Jeff Jarvis says he sees overriding parts of the conversation at the panels so far: 
Power of print still important at many of the websites, need to work out financial [...]

Jay Rosen on NewAssignment.Net Experiment

Wednesday, October 10th, 2007

Jay Rosen is talking about what he learned at Assignment Zero at He blogged on it yesterday at I had interviewed him about it here at the a couple of months ago.  Read both if you want to find out a lot about open source and how it might work for journalism.
Rosen: [...]

NetJ: Gannett’s Story of Transformation

Wednesday, October 10th, 2007

Jennifer Carroll of Gannett: We are in the middle of an incredible transformation.
 Kate Marymount of the Ft. Myers News-Press: Got FEMA’s 2.2 millions files after a hurricane. As soon as we got it, presented it to the public, tell us what stories you find in the FEMA database and let us know what the stories are. [...]

Networked Journalism: Local pioneers, Making Money

Wednesday, October 10th, 2007

First and second panels at the Networked Journalism.
Dan Pacheco of Northwest Voice; John Wilpers of BostonNow; Jarah Euston of Fresno Famous, Dan Barkin – News & Observer and as Oprah: David Cohn. 
Now moving on to the second panel onto Making Money:  How can we create interesting journalism and how can we pay for it.  Jeff [...]
