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Archive for the ‘New Yorker’ Category

David Remnick of the New Yorker, It’s Time to Apologize

Tuesday, July 15th, 2008

David Remnick, it’s time to apologize, not for running the Barak and Michelle Obama as terrorists cover on the New Yorker, but for not engaging in a conversation with your audience members who find it offensive. Brushing off the folks who think you made an error of judgment with a  brief Q&A at the is an [...]

Abu Ghraib: Citizen Witness Trumps, Empowers Journalism

Friday, April 11th, 2008

I just got around to reading my New Yorker from March 24, 2008 and in it is the story of “Sabrina Harman, a U.S. Army specialist who took photographs at Abu Ghraib and was convicted by court-martial for her conduct there.”
Of all the things I have read and heard about the torture in Iraq’s Abu Ghraib prison — [...]

The New Yorker, Blogs, PJNet and the Future

Friday, March 28th, 2008

Last night I went to my, I swear, last, panel discussion on Blogs and Journalism. This one sponsored by the Atlanta Press Club. Also I finally got around to reading The New Yorker article, Out of Print, talking mostly about the desmise of newspapers. Here too, I swear, I will not read another of those “death of [...]
