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Archive for the ‘Northfield’ Category

Our Rep J to Help Main Street Understand Fiscal Crisis

Tuesday, September 30th, 2008

Our Representative Journalism project in Northfield, Minnesota is taking on a big challenge that has always faced news organizations. How can a big international story like the International Economic Meltdown be translated to hyperlocal reporting? We are giving it a try. First some background.
I am the person behind the Representative Journalism project that is taking [...]

Video Explains Representative Journalism — And Is Critiqued

Wednesday, July 2nd, 2008

Last week at the New England News Forum I made a 25-minute presentation explaining my Representative Journalism concept. You can see it below, it is very YouTube in quality. Here is Dan Kennedy, a Northeastern University journalism professor who writes the Media Nation blog, reacting to my presentation.
Free .TV show from Ustream
Also the forum [...]

Making PBS a National News Powerhouse

Friday, June 20th, 2008

Today I just finished hanging around at the WETA News Academy 2008 in Washington, D.C. I was there as a presenter and observer because I fully believe that PBS is the place for my Representative Journalism concept to take hold. So like Johnny Appleseed, I am going everywhere planting the seeds.
In addition, we are now aiming to have a Representative Journalist [...]

Hear What Motivates Do-It-Yourself, Local Media Producers

Thursday, June 12th, 2008

Interested in making your own media and becoming what is now called a placeblogger? Listen as 12 folks, including me, provide first-hand information.
Here is what host Bill Densmore of the Media Giraffe Project writes:
What motivates people to launch a local online news community — a “placeblog” and what are their challenges, their successes, the [...]

NAA White Paper Gives Overview of Citizen Journalism

Tuesday, April 8th, 2008

Mark Toner writes an interesting  white paper for the Newspaper Association of America entitled: Citizen Journalism and Newspaper Sites: The Revolution will be Uploaded. It is a fine overview of what is happening, and includes topics like Beatblogging, Citizen Witnesses, Social Media, Crowdsourcing, Teamsourcing and our own Representative Journalism.
Here are a few excerpts:
Steve Yelvington, strategist for Morris DigitalWorks, talking of citizen [...]
