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Archive for the ‘Off the Bus’ Category

Confessions, Already, of an MTV Citizen Journalist

Thursday, January 17th, 2008

Shelby Highsmith is Georgia’s MTV citizen journalist. He provides a little tell-all of what his training was like, and, hey, look what they provided for his backpack journalism:
There’s the Canon SD1000 for stills (the same model I already carry everywhere); a nice Panasonic 3-chip camcorder (consumer, not pro-sumer…we need to remain portable, you know); shotgun [...]

Confessions of a Citizen Journalist, So What’s New?

Sunday, December 2nd, 2007

OffTheBus, is Jay Rosen’s and the Huffington Post’s move to get citizen reporting and citizen insights into Presidential election news mix. To understand part of the process read this piece by OffThe Bus contributor Bryan Bissell. The OffTheBus editors sent  him to cover the hostage taking at the Clinton Headquarters in New Hampshire,. About midway through his reflective piece, Bissell writes:
Packs of [...]

Public Journalism Ideals Can Help 2008 Election Coverage

Wednesday, October 31st, 2007

When Charlotte Grimes took an in-depth look at Public Journalism back in 1999, she wrote:
The defining event for civic journalism is usually pinned to the 1988 presidential campaign, with its fixation on horse-race polls and focus on Gary Hart’s adultery, George Bush’s visits to flag factories and Willie Horton ads, and Michael Dukakis’ ride in [...]

OffTheBus: Get Students Published Nationally

Thursday, September 13th, 2007

Jay Rosen and the Huffington Post’s OffTheBus is a great way to get student work published nationally. Grayson Daughters, a student of life,  has helped produce a couple of grassroots videos –one Republican oriented, one Democratic oriented – for the project, and her work would give students an idea of one technical approach, albeit a fairly standard newscast format.
Students need not go [...]

Off the Bus: Citizen Video Preview

Thursday, August 30th, 2007

Grayson Daughters gives a real live demonstration of what Jay Rosen and Huffington Post’s  citizen journalism Off the Bus, can look like.
