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Archive for the ‘PJNet’ Category

While You Slept, PJNet Got a Facelift

Friday, August 17th, 2007

Well look what we have here, a newly invented Actually it is a newly designed; the content will remain pretty much the same with a few spin offs like Representative Journalism and my ethics case study The Outing of Jim West, both of which will grow out of this site soon. Very soon. Both are explained in the video: What’s New at The videos will come and go. Got a video that you think PJNet readers might be interested in, let me know. I’ll try to give it center stage.

Griff Wigley associate Sean Hayford O’Leary did the lion’s share of the redesign, and we moved it from Movable Type to WordPress, which will mean that at least for a while the Google searches will be problematic. But Griff and Sean tell me that in the long run it will all be for the better. We’ll see. Now I love that most often when you type in public journalism my site comes up first at Google. I liked to think I owned the worldwide franchise. Will that be true in the future, as I said, we’ll see.

Batten Award Names Innovation Finalists

Thursday, August 9th, 2007

This from a Batten Award press release:

10 Innovators Place in 2007 Knight-Batten Awards
You can view the finalists as well as more than three dozen other notable entries at The top winner will be announced Sept. 17 at a free symposium and luncheon, “Creativity Unleashed,” at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. This year’s [...]

Citizen Journalists Share, Don’t Cover Stories

Wednesday, August 8th, 2007

The Journalism that Matters DC session is now officially over. About 140 people attended the two-day session. Here are some ending reactions I wrote down from the people in attendance. More will be posted later at the official site:
One person said initially he didn’t believe independent organizations could change journalism. Then he watched the [...]

Journalism that Matters Begins

Tuesday, August 7th, 2007

From 1 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 7, 2007:
Chris Peck editor of the Memphis Commercial Appeal is on the stage right now for our Journalism that Matters prelude session: “The State of Citizen Media Update.”
Here are my rough note, my paraphrasing of what was said, my blogging on the fly. CSPAN is taping it. So it should [...]

Journalism that Matters Starts Tuesday

Monday, August 6th, 2007

Had a great Journalism that Matters planning, talk, talk meeting tonight with Dan Gillmor, Fabrice Florin of, Bill Densmore of Media Giraffe and our moderators for tomorrow Steve Silha and Peggy Holman. Of course, this will be an open space unconference, so it will go as it goes…in other words, it is not [...]
