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Archive for the ‘Public, Civic Journalism, Restoring the Trust’ Category

Horse Race Presidential Campaign Coverage Alive and Well

Sunday, October 12th, 2008

The New York Times Public Editor Clark Hoyt uses a standard public journalism critique of The New York Times and the news media as a whole when he writes about the 2008 presidential election coverage’s horse race mentality. He writes in his column:
Through Friday, of 270 news articles published in The Times about the election [...]

Public Journalism Ideals Can Help 2008 Election Coverage

Wednesday, October 31st, 2007

When Charlotte Grimes took an in-depth look at Public Journalism back in 1999, she wrote:
The defining event for civic journalism is usually pinned to the 1988 presidential campaign, with its fixation on horse-race polls and focus on Gary Hart’s adultery, George Bush’s visits to flag factories and Willie Horton ads, and Michael Dukakis’ ride in [...]

Don’t Like Journalism, Then Go Into Mirror Business

Friday, March 2nd, 2007

I started to write this as a response to a comment to RealityChecker who thought engaging the audiences, as I suggested in my open letter to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, was not necessarily a good idea. We’ll start with this quote of his and go from there:
Should “we” turn everything over to the preferences [...]

Networked Journalism Examines Congress Bill

Tuesday, August 15th, 2006

This from PressThink:

Today marks a key moment in the evolution of the Web as a reporting medium. The first left-right-center coalition of bloggers, activists, non-profits, citizens and journalists to investigate a story of national import: Congressional earmarks and those who sponsor and benefit from them….The partners in the Exposing Earmarks Project are the Sunlight Foundation, [...]

Hear Citizen Journalism Unconference Talks

Wednesday, August 9th, 2006

The podcasts for the Citizen Journalism unconference are now posted. So are the podcasts from the Wikimania 2006 conference, including talks by stars like Jimmy Wales of Wikipedia, Lawrence Lessig of Creative Commons, and Yochai Benkler, author of The Wealth of Networks.

Technorati : Wikimania, citizenjournalism, citmedia06, podcasts : Wikimania, citizenjournalism, [...]
