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Archive for the ‘Representative Journalism’ Category

Isn’t It Nice When Folks at Harvard Praise Your Idea?

Thursday, February 12th, 2009

The Nieman Journalism Lab at Harvard University takes a look at our Locally Grown project in Northfield, Minnesota and likes what it sees. Here is a snippet of what Mathew Ingram writes:

This is a fascinating effort, I think. Since the idea is that these local news operations will be “crowdsourced” or community-financed, in many ways [...]

David Carr: Saving Journalism Means People Must Pay

Monday, January 12th, 2009

Two years ago I was one of the few voices saying that if we wanted high quality ethically sound journalism, we would have to pay for it. I said advertising would totally decouple from the news. Lucky for me, Ruth Ann Harnisch of the Harnisch Foundation heard my voice and fully agreed and started pushing [...]

Why Do the Representative Journalism Trial in Northfield, MN?

Saturday, December 27th, 2008

Seeing that I am situated in Kennesaw, Georgia, I am often asked why I decided to try my first Representative Journalism trial so far away in Northfield, Minnesota. When the question arises I say that I have worked for years with Griff Wigley, who probably understands online community building better than anyone else. He began [...] Features Representative Journalism

Wednesday, December 24th, 2008 highlights both and Representative Journalism in an online feature aimed at describing alternative business models to underwrite quality journalism.
Here is what reporter Douglas MacMillan wrote about Rep J and its Locally Grown project in Northfield, Minnesota:
Rather than sponsoring a story, what if you allowed readers to sponsor a reporter? In July, the rural [...]

Rep J Reporter to Talk about Her Northfield Experience

Thursday, December 4th, 2008

Bonnie Obremski, our Representative Journalist for our Northfield, Minnesota experiment, will be at the University of Missouri tomorrow, Friday, December 5, 2008, to talk about her experience so far as a Rep J.
The discussion is part of a conference hosted by Bill Densmore, who heads the Media Giraffe Project and who is currently a fellow [...]
