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Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Sign Up Now: SoCon12, Social Media and the Brews and News Fun-Raiser

Monday, December 12th, 2011

Join us for 1.5 days of learning, sharing and networking at our SoCon12 and Brews and News Fun-Raiser weekend on Feb. 3-4, 2012.
Registration is now open for SoCon12, our annual social media conference at Kennesaw State University outside of Atlanta on Saturday, Feb 4, 2012 . Every year we sell out our 325 seats early, [...]

Introducing Some of My Talented Students

Thursday, May 12th, 2011

An example of one of my students’ capstone work, plus read more below.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011 was a good day for our Juvenile Justice Information Exchange — reporter Ryan Schill, for Kennesaw State University and for me. Wednesday, Schill became a graduate of Kennesaw State and editor John Fleming published Schill’s story [...]

Nonviolence, Nicholas Kristof, Gene Sharp and Me

Monday, April 18th, 2011

Yesterday, Sunday, April 17, 2011, New York Times columnist Nicholas D. Kristof wrote an opinion piece The Power of Mockery. A month earlier on March 17, 2011, I conducted this video interview with Kristof during his lecture visit to Kennesaw State University. In the video, I mention Gene Sharp, the man credited with writing the [...]

Center for Sustainable Journalism Posts Editing/Reporting Job

Friday, March 4th, 2011

We just posted a new job opening at our Center for Sustainable Journalism at Kennesaw State University. Here is the description:
The most unique job in journalism today:
We’re looking for a high energy journalist with an entrepreneurial spirit to run the Juvenile Justice Information Exchange ( This established online news operation is getting local and [...]

Free: From Dictatorship to Democracy — The Egypt Playbook

Friday, February 25th, 2011

If you want to learn how to stage a nonviolent revolution, then the place to start is the free downloadable book From Dictatorship to Democracy by Gene Sharp.
The New York Times writes:
Few Americans have heard of Mr. Sharp. But for decades, his practical writings on nonviolent revolution — most notably “From Dictatorship to [...]
