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Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

SoCon11: Another Social Media Success Story

Tuesday, February 8th, 2011

We are beginning to put up photos and content from our SoCon11, social media conference. You’ll find some fun photos from our 5th Anniversary networking party, including this shot of our Center for Sustainable Journalism folks who put on the conference, including from left Noah Echols, Ellen Miller, Leonard Witt, Clay Duda and a masked [...]

SoCon11 — 5th Anniversary, Fullhouse for Social Media Event

Thursday, February 3rd, 2011

Our networking party tomorrow night at the Carter Center kicks off SoCon11. It is the 5th Anniversary of the Southeast’s premier social media conference produced and hosted by our Center for Sustainable Journalism at Kennesaw State University. As with last year, we have a sell out crowd of 300 for Saturday. On Friday night we [...]

SchoolHouse Witness Project in Knight’s Second Round

Monday, January 31st, 2011

I just submitted our SchoolHouse Witness Project idea for the Knight News Challenge’s Second Round. We made the first cut. Now comes the tough part, do we make it into Round 3? This is a partnership with the Konpa Group, which is part of the Ushahidi network, which has done great things in information collecting [...]

TV Helicopters On Full Pot Bellied Pig Alert

Friday, January 28th, 2011

Who says that journalists don’t have the resources to cover important stories. Last night and again this morning the sky around our Kennesaw State University campus had one, sometimes two helicopters hovering in the sky. I thought it was a big crime or a wreck. But no it was a loose pot bellied pig. I [...]

Spokeo: The End of Privacy as We Once Knew It

Friday, January 28th, 2011

Everyone talks about how hanging out on Facebook and other digital sites will reveal everything about us. However, even if you don’t have a internet presence, you will have no privacy. Don’t believe it? Just go to Type in your name and the whole dossier is right in front of you. It gives me [...]
