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Archive for the ‘Vlogs’ Category

MediaStorm: An Era for High Quality, Long-Form Journalism

Wednesday, March 25th, 2009

Anyone interested in the future of powerful long-form journalism, should give this Q&A with Brian Storm of MediaStorm a read. Here is an example of a great insight:

We have to get better as journalists. From my perspective, this actually helps long-form in-depth journalism since the crowd is less likely to go that direction. In fact, [...]

No Safe Haven: NPR to Cut Workforce 7 Percent

Wednesday, December 10th, 2008

This from the lead of a NPR story:
NPR News announced Wednesday that it is canceling two daily radio programs — Day to Day and News and Notes — as part of a broader effort by the company to close a projected budget shortfall of $23 million for its current fiscal year. Overall, NPR will [...]

Paula Kerger: Room for PBS and NPR to Partner for News

Thursday, December 4th, 2008

Paula Kerger, President and CEO of PBS, said she sees the possibility of PBS and National Public Radio (NPR) sharing resources to produce news programming for PBS. Leonard Witt, who conducted the video interview, tells Kerger of his Representative Journalism idea, which he thinks could turn PBS into a news powerhouse.

Hello Romenesko readers, to [...]

Georgians Speak Out from Inside Two-Hour Voting Line

Friday, October 31st, 2008

So I went to vote early on Thursday and decided to Video Your Vote from inside a two, really two and one-half hour line to cast my presidential election vote. I live in Cobb County, Georgia.
So were people miffed about the long line? I thought they would be, but you listen to what this [...]

YouTube to Provide $10,000 Citizen Journalism Prize

Monday, September 8th, 2008

This just in from a YouTube press release :
SAN BRUNO, CA–(September 8, 2008) – YouTube™, the leading online video community that
allows people to discover, watch and share originally created videos, announced the launch of Project: Report in partnership with the Pulitzer [...]
