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Archive for the ‘Vlogs’ Category

MediaWeek: CNN to Take on YouTube

Tuesday, February 12th, 2008

This from today’s MediaWeek:
Time Warner’s CNN this week will enter YouTube territory with the launch of, a new Web site built entirely on user-produced news. And unlike CNN’s own properties—where only iReport submissions that have been handpicked by editors and checked for accuracy ever make it online or on air—the new site will be [...]

SoCon08: See the Video, 300 photos, 58 Posts

Sunday, February 10th, 2008

Amani Channel, the man behind, was busy at our SoCon08 conference Friday and Saturday, Feb. 8-9, 2008 hosting a dinner table conversation, providing an afternoon workshop on video and, of course, what else…shooting a video of the conference. He is fast; he was uploading part of the event video as the conference progressed. So enough [...]

Shirky:Every URL Is a Potential Community

Thursday, January 24th, 2008

Clay Shirky, in the following video, says that newspapers should look at every URL as  a potential community and see how their news operation can extend not only into the brains of that community but also into the lives of that community. His book Here Comes Everybody: The Power of Organizing Without Organizations is due out in [...]

Mother Jones Citizen Journalism Critique Flawed

Saturday, January 19th, 2008

Adam Weinstein, in the January/February 2008 Issue of Mother Jones, writes about the dangers of citizen journalism  with his central warning being that “…newspapers may be taken in by crackpots and sly marketers…”
However, if you are one of the many serious thinkers who believe citizen journalism has merit,  you would be left with the impression that Weinstein himself is [...]

Confessions, Already, of an MTV Citizen Journalist

Thursday, January 17th, 2008

Shelby Highsmith is Georgia’s MTV citizen journalist. He provides a little tell-all of what his training was like, and, hey, look what they provided for his backpack journalism:
There’s the Canon SD1000 for stills (the same model I already carry everywhere); a nice Panasonic 3-chip camcorder (consumer, not pro-sumer…we need to remain portable, you know); shotgun [...]
